Monday, January 16, 2012

I made like June!

...and I cooked. It went marvelously well -- the cleaning, not so much. Our Sunday morning brunch consisted of the incredible Pumpkin Cheddar Muffin and Cheesy Grits recipes from the Baked Explorations cookbook from the amazing Baked bakery in Brooklyn. I even ran into a friend on the street that was free to join for the feast and so my efforts weren't lost on just the husband and I. 

I always finish off brunching tables with a great simple salad. The food tends to be so heavy, it is lovely to balance that with some greens. Yesterday we feasted on an arugula blend with goat cheese and craisins. 

Want to come over next weekend?  


  1. Yes, I want to come over next weekend. Okay?

  2. Yes! Come on over - I'll make you muffins.
