Wednesday, December 14, 2011

it is my birthday...

Today I am 27. I feel old.

I know it isn't really that old but it has been the first birthday of my life where I've thought, "wow, I've really racked up some years here, haven't I?"

In an effort to remain fresh and new, this past weekend the greatest friend and I painted the greatest man and my hallway. We live in New York City and we have a hallway. That's right.

It is an icy blue with painted molding that mimics the real molding we have in our pre-war living room(s). We live in New York City and we have two living rooms. That's right.

Strangely, I think the painting of the hallway and the mentioning of the hallway and the living room(s) makes me feel even older.

At least I get to come home to something pretty -- that is something pretty other than the greatest man's pretty face.

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